
Friday, October 2, 2009

Most Beautiful Goat Competition

Have you ever heard about the goat competition? , goats were on the catwalk for the Most Beautiful Goat at the Mazayen al-Maaz competition in Riyadh, capitol of Saudi Arabia. A Damascene goat — or Maaz Al Shami — named Qahr was the beauty queen who won title for first prize.

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Qahr takes 1st place for “Most Beautiful Goat.” Photo Xinhua / Reuters

Winners are selected on the basis of a combination of factors and overall appearance, not simply by their color — but the head, nose, mouth, ears, breast and eyes — with the most important factor being the size of the head and the whiteness of their eyes.

The Damascene goats were also judged on their rarity and auctioned off.

Also known as Aleppo, Halep, Baladi, Damascene, Shami, Chami, the Damascus is a breed raised in the region of Syria and Lebanon, primarily for milk production. They’re of the Nubian type and typically red or brown but can also be found in pied or grey. The goats can be either horned or polled.

The Al-Shami breed of goat was introduced to Kuwait from Saudi Arabia.

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Qahr with owner Muhammad Hawas of Saudi Arabia. Photo Xinhua / Reuters

Pet Goats
Typically considered a farm animal, some say that goats are friendly by nature and make good pets — particularly the dwarf of pygmy variety — although they’re not recommended as a house pet, not to mention the fact that bylaws usually classify them as an agricultural species which prevent city dwellers from owning them.

First and foremost, think about whether you can meet the needs of a goat and whether goats will meet your expectations as a pet before owning any, as they require considerable attention and commitment.

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Damascene goat Qahr. Photo Xinhua / Reuters

Some say that goats can be a close runner-up to dogs as pets and easily trained to be led by a leash for walks if you dedicate plenty of time to them on a daily basis, making them a great hiking companion.

Disciplining these creatures may not be an easy task, but they respond well to positive behavior modification versus negative — using a gentle and loving approach, soft tones of voice, and coercion with food. Don’t make sudden and unexpected motions, no force of your will, and never strike them with your hand or an object.

While they may not run to greet you like a dog when calling them by name, they will learn to recognize their name and acknowledge by looking at you, and even have the capacity to learn a few words.

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Oahr at the Mazayen al-Maaz competition in Riyadh. Photo Xinhua / Reuters

Since goats are herding animals, you should always get more than one, as they require the companionship of their own kind and will be very unhappy creatures otherwise.

A decent amount of space for a yard or pasture is necessary, depending on the breed and number of goats, so they’re best suited for farms or acreages.

Goats are susceptible to a number of infectious and chronic diseases — vaccinations and routine preventative treatment is necessary, so you should consult a veterinarian in your area for their requirements. For a list of vets in the U.S. provided by other goat owners happy with their services, check Caprine Veterinary Resources.

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Damascene goats at the Mazayen al-Maaz, Photo Xinhua / Reuters

Only purchase goats from a high-quality breeder that practices good preventative medicine, and try to visit the breeder so you can see what sort of conditions their goats are kept in. Do not consider wild goats thinking you will tame them, as it’s near impossible to do so.

You will want to ensure that the goats are approachable, friendly, and touchable before you purchase them.

Winning the trust of a goat requires a lot of patience, caring, love and food treats like corn chips or raisins, as they respond to food. Taken slowly and patiently you will be to convince them that you’re their friend. The younger the goat is, the easier it is — the older they are, the more patience you will need, but there are no guarantees that they’ll be ‘tamable.’

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Goats require shelter from the elements — a draft free 8′ x 10′ shed furnished with elevated sleeping and feeding places will accommodate 4 adult pygmy goats. An attached outside enclosure with at least a 4-foot (120 centimeter) high fence will provide the fresh air and exercise these active, fun-loving goats need.

A basic diet of roughage in the form of legume and grass hay, bark, brush, and dry leaves may need to be supplemented.

Fias Co Farms provides a comprehensive overview for their basic care and needs, diet requirements, issues of selecting and owning goats, and further information is available on housing requirements for goats.

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Goat Factoids
Goats are among the cleanest of animals, and more selective feeders than cows, pigs, and even dogs.

They eat many different varieties of plants, but don’t like food that’s been contaminated or been on the floor or the ground.

Coffee was first discovered when goat herders noticed them acting very energetic after nibbling on the coffee beans.

Goats were the first animals to be domesticated according to many historians.

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Before coins were used for money, goats were regarded so valuable that they were traded for silver.

12,000-year-old paintings of goats gave been found on cave walls in Europe.

Christopher Columbus brought goats to America in 1493.

Pharaoh Cephrenes regarded his goats so highly that he had 2,234 buried with him.

Carl Sandburg’s wife was a world-famous goat breeder, and loved his goats so much that when Life magazine wanted him to pose for a picture with his favorite dog on a 1938 issue, he insisted the picture be taken with his goats.

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